The day began at 8.00am when I woke up. After pulling myself out of bed, dressing up, and getting ready to work but happen to realize that I’m LATE again because:- my office is happily situated in the middle of horrible pollution and traffic. As usually, I'll run like a Mad Cow Woman into the hotel to my office; though that this time sure DIE because I’m LATE. Sure “ kena 9 9 “ from them but guess what, there are nobody at all although it’s already half past NINE. Shit! I said to myself, questioning myself did I miss anything ? Came on the wrong day or day off because it was practically empty. What to do? (-_-lll) I quickly hop on my chair and switch on my comp to make sure that I does not overlook any email regarding off days which I’m sure it won't happen to ME. GUARANTEE!!! HOW WOULD I MISS OUT ANY HOLIDAYS OF DAY OFF? while I already marked my every single day off and holidays on my calendar. Teehee
30 minutes later…

And yet, none of them is in yet although it’s already 10 something, So I told myself that if 10.30a.m it is still empty. I’ll just pack my things and go back, I want to snuggle into my comfy blanket and snore like a pig. So while I’m countdown-ing the time to go back, I sat there, staring at the clock, listening to the tick tock of the clock while keys on my hand and I’m ready to ciao. Woohoo! 10.29a.m, 1 more minute to run like speedy gonzale back to pig's net BUT then one of my directors suddenly came in and wish me MORNING!
End of story !
Next chapter : I went to ARTrage Lab @ Soho KL
I reached there at 5p.m; luckily there are still lotsa goodies for me to grab *Woohoo*
1st purchase
3rd purchase
And I’m going to tomorrow’s Sunday Sundaes
See ya there !!