Today imma gonna blog about d-things that kept me so busy in the past 12 months in 2012 .
January 2012
Chinese New Year ;) This year I managed to celeb with Le girls and we go yum seng. We are all grown up now.. I mean we are OLD.. sigh
And as usual, I'll celeb with Le precious cuzzie @ Malacca.
February 2012
Straight to Spore for work ;( which ppl tot I m working at Geylang, shit them !!!
Managed to come back for my bday for 1 day. Thankiu boss for purposely buying me an air tix to fly back, just to celeb bday and flew back to spore again the next day for 3 weeks long (Lolol, kidding. Its actually Le boss who failed in planning again, yes again) But thanks to him, so I can come back to celeb my burfday with Le darling and Le Shaunny
MARCH 2012
Went to Bangkok for work, my happiest working trip after all.. Because I can happily go shopping with Le Boss 1 day before the show day, that was awesome pawsome. Yes, Le Boss even accompany me to shop, he is good at times LOLOL
April 2012
Busy with another exhibition :- DSA 2012. That is my first exhibition back then, my gawd, its been 2 years. Time flies like rocket ;(
MAY 2012
Caught up with TUDM again. After Johor, Kuantan and now Subang. I wonder where's next ?!
Back to Malacca to celeb Mother's day with Le polo and cuzzie ;)
JUNE 2012
Hello Singapore, im here again for CMMA ;) Feel so good to be here..
Btw, have you guys see me in uniform ? Here's a pic of me in uniform ;) Aint I still looks gorgeous even with sweaty, oily and smelly hair ;p teehee
JULY 2012
Mo is here. Act as a tour guide to bring her wandering all around KL, Putrajaya and Pulau Ketam for good food and nice mosque -_-lll
Tender resignation and found an extremely good job with confirm bonus every year, free BB with unlimited calls, petrol card, annually company trip to Shanghai, South Korea and etc, nice and atas location. Arrrr~~~ feel so fortunate but stupid in the same time because I turned down the offer and continue work in this pahlia company. KILL MEEEEE pweeeasseee !!!!
Gathering with Le convent girls
Gathering with Le convent girls
Le Coyie with me
Kindly ignore the k leh feh behind Le darlings ;p
Holiday-ing at Goldcoast Morib
November 2012
I guess I've married to the job, whereby I m kinda busy most of the time. But always end of the year is the worst, been so caught up with Airshow China, Zhuhai and Indodefence, Jakarta. (will blog in details about my worst experience ever in Jakarta and China)
Muka kesian at Jakarta
My best client ever, lub her max
December 2012.
Busy yet happy because it is the festive month ;)
Present !!!
Another year with Le boyfie. Hope we can overcome all the obstacle to fight for a better future.
Thats all for this year.. Looking forward to the brand new year ;)
Thats all for this year.. Looking forward to the brand new year ;)
Happy New Year everyone !!!