Today being a good blogger (me), trying to blog "newsworthy" shopping news for you as a bonus ;) Yes, I am going to share a very good deals with all of you ;) Although it is not a top secret or what so ever but it's worth to know lor. Moreover, good things must share rite ? heh.. aint I am so lovely at times.. thankiu thankiu #takmalu
FYI being a super cheapo/cheapskate like me, I usually bought all my necessity at DAISO. I can spend hours wandering the aisles checking out all the 'kewl' stuff there. Daiso has a wide variety of stuff which it is all SUPER inexpensive! and it is only RM5! Yes, RM5 lor! and most of the items are from Japan although it is still manufactured in CHINA.. but I can still "syok sendiri" as if its from #kampunggirl

Can you see ? Everything is so pink and so cute lo.. How to resist rite ? But you really have to shop carefully as you'll always end up buying unnecessary things which you are not going to use in the next few months time. I am your very good example #fml
Anyhoo, lets see what I've got for my fruitful shopping ;)
Tadaa !!!
1. Cute pink pail - to soak bra and panty ;) Super chio rite *wink wink*
FYI Those ah ma-ish pail selling in pasar cost more than RM5 and it is not as chio as mine, mine is pink in colour eh
2. Cute pink alarm - for cooking or applying mask
3. Cute pink Ipod/Iphone or Ipad cable
4. Cute pink duster
5. Cute pink sponge
6. Slim double eyelid sticker
7. Divider partition
8. Daiso blackhead remover - TOP SELLING ! must try
and the list goes on and on..
And all my hauls for yesterday is only for RM5 on each items ;)
YAY !!!
Good deals right ;)
Aisheh, not bad right ;)
And that's all for today, ADIOS !!! Last but not least,