The Queen of Procasination struck again! hurray !!
Outfit of the day:
Mng White Tank Top
High Waist Tulip Skirt
Red Clincher
I know, I abandoned my blog again, and again but I really don’t have the oomph to blog anymore as everyday I need to read thousands and thousands of review to write an article. Yeaps, my boss finally give me a try to put pen to paper. Woohoo!!
♥ Net first write-up
But of cos, my boss helps me to re-tidy up everything and tadaaa! Hmm! But it still sounds kinda childish esp the Hercules and cowboy para. Aye ? Seriously, I need to cut down all my bombastic, childish and ramai-anak stories writing.
Yeaps, this phone is specially designed to specific niche:- clumsy people (not me) so to those who breaks more than 3 handphone a year, you can start considering this phone. Yeap, a worth trying phone as it’s tested on Ripley’s Belief it Or Not! Video on the board, while waiting for the video to load, you can read nenebubu's nonsense at below.
Patient pls!
Cool aye ?
But you don't lah purposely go and kill the phone by submersed it in the washing machine for days, or drove a Henry Ford over and over on it, and etc.
Nonsense 1: Man! I’ve not shop for cny clothes, shoes, bra and panty lorh but my dog already bought his cny clothes *shake head* My dog is not recession proof shopaholics but a recession congruent! As same as the owner (me) teehee!
See!! Miang-nya
Duh! stare wat stare, as if i will steal his cloth to wear -_-lll
Nonsense 2 : Net is damn emo today *puckered brow*
But i'm Not PMS-ing !!!!!!!!
Today I received a SMS from *****, I finally awake and realized that the 7 years feeling is gone, all gone. I really should just continue with my path without looking back and yes, I should start staring people’s arse (Front facing) than boobs (Back Facing), no more gazing at people’s boobs and start creating another hobby: - staring at people’s arse. Duh! Sounds so humsup -_-lll
To sum up : Imma is heartache, stomachache, and backside ache.
- The End -
Mng White Tank Top
High Waist Tulip Skirt
Red Clincher
I know, I abandoned my blog again, and again but I really don’t have the oomph to blog anymore as everyday I need to read thousands and thousands of review to write an article. Yeaps, my boss finally give me a try to put pen to paper. Woohoo!!
♥ Net first write-up
But of cos, my boss helps me to re-tidy up everything and tadaaa! Hmm! But it still sounds kinda childish esp the Hercules and cowboy para. Aye ? Seriously, I need to cut down all my bombastic, childish and ramai-anak stories writing.
Yeaps, this phone is specially designed to specific niche:- clumsy people (not me) so to those who breaks more than 3 handphone a year, you can start considering this phone. Yeap, a worth trying phone as it’s tested on Ripley’s Belief it Or Not! Video on the board, while waiting for the video to load, you can read nenebubu's nonsense at below.
Patient pls!
Cool aye ?
But you don't lah purposely go and kill the phone by submersed it in the washing machine for days, or drove a Henry Ford over and over on it, and etc.
Nonsense 1: Man! I’ve not shop for cny clothes, shoes, bra and panty lorh but my dog already bought his cny clothes *shake head* My dog is not recession proof shopaholics but a recession congruent! As same as the owner (me) teehee!
See!! Miang-nya
Duh! stare wat stare, as if i will steal his cloth to wear -_-lll
Nonsense 2 : Net is damn emo today *puckered brow*
But i'm Not PMS-ing !!!!!!!!
Today I received a SMS from *****, I finally awake and realized that the 7 years feeling is gone, all gone. I really should just continue with my path without looking back and yes, I should start staring people’s arse (Front facing) than boobs (Back Facing), no more gazing at people’s boobs and start creating another hobby: - staring at people’s arse. Duh! Sounds so humsup -_-lll
To sum up : Imma is heartache, stomachache, and backside ache.
- The End -
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