Net is back from a short hiatus *winkz*
and I've declared today a "Lazy Day"
a day whereby i can finally rest, laze around and surf net
plus updating my half life, half death blog..
Too many things, yet little time again..
Outfit of the day :

Lesser updates for "Outfit of the Day"
as imma try to cut down my shopping compulsiveness.. hmm
and i start selling away all my
from bag to clothes, and all those lapsap thingy
cause I don't think my luggage bag can fit all my stuff
and i don't think my new apartment can fit all my lapsapness *sweat*
Back to the pix, OMFG!! I looks so thin !!!
Lotsa ppl said I've lose weight..
But my eating habit is still the same,
maybe its the 599 ingredients in a ciggy..
and OMFGx2!! Look at the 3rd pix..
My boobs looks juicy *shy*
Oh well, thats a new tactic that I've learned via YouTube
*squeezing and enlarging A cup to C cup*
Mission complete, looks successful *evil grins*
Backdated pix wif Epal
2 soh poh(s) sha la la in da car
2 soh poh(s) at Mambo Jambo, its our night!!!
2 soh poh(s) burning down the dancefloor
Haha! First mission : Grab a guy back
*Mission Failed badly*
Second mission : Disturb Epal driving
*Mission sucessful with flying colours*
2 soh poh(s) heading back to home sweet home!
Good Night !!
a day whereby i can finally rest, laze around and surf net
plus updating my half life, half death blog..
Too many things, yet little time again..
Outfit of the day :

as imma try to cut down my shopping compulsiveness.. hmm
and i start selling away all my
from bag to clothes, and all those lapsap thingy
cause I don't think my luggage bag can fit all my stuff
and i don't think my new apartment can fit all my lapsapness *sweat*
Back to the pix, OMFG!! I looks so thin !!!
Lotsa ppl said I've lose weight..
But my eating habit is still the same,
maybe its the 599 ingredients in a ciggy..
and OMFGx2!! Look at the 3rd pix..
My boobs looks juicy *shy*
Oh well, thats a new tactic that I've learned via YouTube
*squeezing and enlarging A cup to C cup*
Mission complete, looks successful *evil grins*
Backdated pix wif Epal
2 soh poh(s) sha la la in da car
*Mission Failed badly*
*Mission sucessful with flying colours*
Good Night !!
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