Stupid and gross title, i know!
FYI there's a story behind the title?!
and Its a Secret ! boohoo---
Picture time!!!
Us eating at BBQ chicken at freaking 10.00p.m for dinner
Below is the pix of Clarist with her french fries

If u ever dare to steal Clarist' food, this is how she'll looks like..
Aint she looks SCARY ?! Yep, she is!
oh gawd, can you see me with my spaghetti again..
and Clarist can't stand it NEMORE! boohooAint she looks SCARY ?! Yep, she is!
She feel like throwing up when eva she saw me eating spaghetti
as i ate it almost 5 times every week .. boohoo~ im so addicted to it!
Dinner over
and its camwhore time.. hurray~
by hiding our big rounded face behind the glasses of drinks -_-lll
but we do have a decent looks plus CUTE too!
Choose and select your answer as below!
(a) Yes, you're cute
(b) Yes, you're extremely cute
(c) Yes, you're abso-absolutely cute
(d) Yes, you're insanely MEGA cute
Just be honest with me, i won't bite! i doubt ;p
P/s: To be continue
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