Good news : Nuffnang is in collaboration with Dell and they are giving away three Inspiron 13’s to Nuffnangers who take part in this contest! Sounds Fantabulous isn't it ? Anyhoo, I hope i'm not too late to blog about my TOP 5 Treat List.. Wish me Luck !!! *winkz*
So here it is : My TOP 5 Treat List.. *druumm rolls*
1. Dell Inspiron 13 in ALPINE WHITE

2. Blackberry Bold

(Love it to the MAX but I'm loving Dell Inspiron 13 even more, sowee)
3. Canon EOS Revel T1i.. *slurp*

4. Toyota Camry in White, to match my Dell Inspiron 13 *winkz*

5. A runaway trip to Bali, Krabi or Bangkok with my Dell Inspiron 13 *excited* so that I can always on the move to update my current life and to spam my friends via Facebook, Twitter and etc *evil grins*

Dell Inspriron 13 is a PERFECT treat for me , totally a must-have item. Its great for work and it is so useful for daily basis such as checking emails, Google, YouTube, MSN. Facebook, Twitter, Shopping, Blog-hoping and etc. Its so light that I can carry it anywhere and everywhere even to the toilet while i'm doing some BIG business *evil grins*
Most importantly it works as a reminders for birthdays, important meetings, etc. *coughs* You know when there's so many things are on our mind we tend to forget important details along the line, which at times can cause us serious trouble, big big trouble.
With this Outer Beauty, Inner Strength Dell Inspiron 13, I can always stay connected with my sorority sista with amazing ease. No more complains from my Darling sista who are 6532547632 miles away from me at US. Thus I'll be capturing lotsa photo(s) and video(s) to bombard my blog. tee-hee
So let's get one super light weight, super sleek, super cute
DELL Inspiron 13 now!!!
with Great screen quality, Decent sound quality, Perfect screen size(13inch), Fast(Intel core 2 duo), Cool touch media control buttons that light up in blue when pressed, the keyboard is awesome to type on, good tactile feedback. Most importantly, Dell had a GREAT customer service.
Psstt~ here is a special coupon code 7ZQVQF2RLZRKW3 from Dell that would allow anyone who makes purchase of a Dell Inspiron 13 (S510701MY) with RM100 Instant Cash Redemption!!. This promotion is only available online or by calling us at 1800-88-0301. This coupon code expires on 10th Nov 2009.
- The End -
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