Its a two hours-long dance concert which empowers a young adult to be more grateful of what they have at the moment such as :- life, friends, families and etc. You will never satisfy if you never appreciate.
At first, Hiu Mun worried that she might fall zZzzzzz~~
so she ask me to either slap, pinch or punch her if she snore
and of cos imma willing to help her out.. teehee!! Since imma so GOOD.. hor?
But luckily this is a sitcom cum dance performance
So u will laugh for the entire 2 hours long til u would not have the time or chance to snore
Some of you must be wondering whether imma this pig can catch the message of the dance concert?!
Of cos I “UN” larh, imma the pig also quite artistic one lorh *isk isk*
Imma too focus til I doesn’t take any photo of the performance but I take one shot of the ending *winkz*
After the performance, we went to small genting
Let’s the photo(s) do the talking
We proudly takes so many picture while waiting for Yi-Pei without realizing that we stop at the wrong station -_-lll
Both of us soh-ha-soh-ha and the conversation goes :-
Hmun : Which station dy hah?
Net : Dunno wat-wat Selatan 1..
Hmun : Let me see, is this Salak Selatan ?
Net : YaYa!! This 1 This 1 *stupidly nod without reading the sms*
... 20 minutes later ...
Yi-Pei : Where r u guyz ?!
Hmun : Salak Selatan jor loo..
Yi-Pei : eee, not bandar tasik selatan meh ?!
Hmun & Me : Woops!!
*Net quickly take out her hp and read the sms carefully with big rounded eyes altho imma mata sepet*
Me : Er, its written there bandar tasik selatan wor
Hmun & Yi-Pei : Why don't u read it earlier
Imma noe imma stupid *sob*
what say u ? *winkz*
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