Whew! It’s the end of the year! Aint time flies superb duperbly fast esp when you’re busy or having fun *Yawn*
As soon as the “…ber” months hit, Christmas songs are starting to play and the malls have stuff for decor and presents lined up for Pre-Christmas Sale and Year-end Sale (imma like it very muchie). BUT i hate DECEMBER altho this is not the-only-month that I’m superbly broke like hell but I just HATE it *snort*
And ever since the expanding and increasing of blogshop, imma is broke every single week. W-H-Y ?! Bcos Imma can’t stop myself logging on and grabbing millions of pounds-worth of bargains in online sales. Gosh ! I can feel the sin inside me when eva the compulsive shopping strike. Mum, please don't scold me bcos Imma helping to enlighten Malaysia’s economy lorh *big wet eyes* LOL! what an excuse, i know its SUCK!! Duh! like i care *turn around and walk away*
Now I’m going to post some photo(s) my purchases at Fleur De Lis
Good things must shared rite ?!
So here it is
Stay tune
This is all that i bought from Fleur De Lis Bazaar , not included the one that i bought from blogshop : TicTacToe, Popcircles, 45 Degree and etc and MNG, Topshop and etc
and this is the prezzie that i bought to all my younger cousins + nephew
See! aint im a Good sis *winkz*
and i get this FREE when i shopped at MV *woohoo*
Lotsa kiddo looking at my pink balloon but i'm not going to give u lorh *bluek*
I know im bad, wat-to-do

see what i've bought for myself , xin and epal

O ya, here is another of my new crave
Close up :-
25 Dec 2008 : Update
I went for an interview on Christmas , cool ay ?!
Which company ?!
I will only reveal it if i get the JOB
so wish me LUCK ^(oo)^
Last but not least, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !!
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