I know I’m a slacker, but i'm trying very hard to keep my blog updated..
Yep, update about my life, my thought, my opinion, my rant, my pet
my best buy, worst buy, fashion of the day
(altho nobody bother reading it)
Lots has been going on over here,
but the biggie was I'm going to work on this SAT
(FULL DAY from 9.30am - 6pm)
to replace the previous Thaipusam holiday *Yawn*
So its going to be a tiring and hectic week for me
No PARTEY this weekend
altho i've few pending plans on this Fri, Sat and Sun
we'll see how *evil grins*
PLAY always come first than WORK.. tee-hee
And I’m not going to go into too much detail here,
partly because I like to keep this blog’s gaze focused away from my navel,
and partly because it’s difficult to find the right words to describe my current feeling
(Sleepiness strikes)
This morning, I'm still lying on my bed like a pig altho its 9 in the morning
Yep, I'm lazing in my bra-less XXL T-shirt with hairy armpit
trying very hard to get my butt out from the bed
But i can't because my bed is way too comfy *motionless*
Well, getting me out of bed took the greatest effort
Duh! I just love the birds tweeting in the morning breeze
still, the breeze is soothing, as in the susurrus of the leafs out from my window
How i wish that i can lazing on my bed with a mug of coffee
listening to the melody of nature..
Trrringggg~~~~ Fcuk ! alarm snoozing again..
Its time to wake up, out from the bed, right to the toilet to pangsai
No more dreamland with Mr.Orange
(Net had wet dream last night) woo la la~
So here's the outfit that fit my Monday blues
Lets make it simple + casual for a startup day of the week

Long blue top : BKK
Legging : Topshop
Black ballet shoe : BKK
(which you can't see it from this pic) =p
Brown clincher : Sg.Wang
Kindly ignore my not-so-interested face
Yep, pimples popping out all over my face
due to PMS *I HATE IT*
I hate to be a woman who suffer from PMS once in every month
Do u ?
I know u guys hate it too.. cos PMS means no SEX for the entire week
*Double thumbs up*
Yippie ya ya, yippie yippie ya ~~~~ lame~
- The End -
my best buy, worst buy, fashion of the day
(altho nobody bother reading it)
Lots has been going on over here,
but the biggie was I'm going to work on this SAT
(FULL DAY from 9.30am - 6pm)
to replace the previous Thaipusam holiday *Yawn*
So its going to be a tiring and hectic week for me
No PARTEY this weekend
altho i've few pending plans on this Fri, Sat and Sun
we'll see how *evil grins*
PLAY always come first than WORK.. tee-hee
And I’m not going to go into too much detail here,
partly because I like to keep this blog’s gaze focused away from my navel,
and partly because it’s difficult to find the right words to describe my current feeling
(Sleepiness strikes)
This morning, I'm still lying on my bed like a pig altho its 9 in the morning
Yep, I'm lazing in my bra-less XXL T-shirt with hairy armpit
trying very hard to get my butt out from the bed
But i can't because my bed is way too comfy *motionless*
Well, getting me out of bed took the greatest effort
Duh! I just love the birds tweeting in the morning breeze
still, the breeze is soothing, as in the susurrus of the leafs out from my window
How i wish that i can lazing on my bed with a mug of coffee
listening to the melody of nature..
Trrringggg~~~~ Fcuk ! alarm snoozing again..
Its time to wake up, out from the bed, right to the toilet to pangsai
No more dreamland with Mr.Orange
(Net had wet dream last night) woo la la~
So here's the outfit that fit my Monday blues
Lets make it simple + casual for a startup day of the week
Long blue top : BKK
Legging : Topshop
Black ballet shoe : BKK
(which you can't see it from this pic) =p
Brown clincher : Sg.Wang
Kindly ignore my not-so-interested face
Yep, pimples popping out all over my face
due to PMS *I HATE IT*
I hate to be a woman who suffer from PMS once in every month
Do u ?
I know u guys hate it too.. cos PMS means no SEX for the entire week
*Double thumbs up*
Yippie ya ya, yippie yippie ya ~~~~ lame~
- The End -
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