DBKL, JPJ, Police ain’t environmental friendly at all
Why said so?
Because they issues zillions of summons in just a day
And do you know how many trees were cut down
to produce a single god damn summon ?
NO?! Neither do
Yep, Net is so EMO because
I just get another summon from DBKL to my collection...
(Twice in 4 days time)
Yep, I hate them very much as they have nothing better to do...
Ain’t they are good in doing nothing
They think they are ultra efficient these days by coming thrice in a row
Well, they are just too FREE only
Keep summon-ing without expanding and upgrading the parking slot
Then for what we need to pay the god damn summon
Discountable / negotiable? No worries! No questions
RM100 become RM30 in a flash;
all you need to do is to show your ugly face
Hence, DBKL kindly thanks me for upgrading your blardy uniform
As I’m one of the contributors too
Btw Net doesn’t love to received your pink love letter
Kindly remove it from my windscreen from now onwards
And stay away from my cute yellow ATOS
Thank you !!!
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