Happy New Year everyone !!! *I know I'm sorta late again*
I've been really really bussy lately...
Thus Net's New Year Resolutions will be putting on hold..
Cause I'm going to blog about my Singapore trip first ;)) whee~
Warning !! Tons of pictures ahead !!!
Tadaaa !!!

Check out our tired yet pain-ass picture after a long hours ride from Malacca to Singapore..
We gossiped all the way to Spore.. Proud to admit ;p
Woops, what happen with Xin ?
Ohh~ Xin forgot that she havent apply any make-up yet ;p
and yet she still posing happily with me...
Ini panggil camwhore spirit!!! Salute 99 !!!
Us camwhoring again.. while waiting for "Kai Ma"
1 hour later...
1.30 hours later...
2 hours later...
2.30 hours later...
Xin starts to merajuk cause she's starving and sleepy like hell...
We don't really had enough sleep after a havoc Christmas dinner at Clarice's place..
*still waiting for the pictures*
T4 we start taking lotsa crazy and cuckoo pictures ;p to avoid falling asleep in the mall

My-Oh-My! I don't know when Xin took this picture
but imma loving it ^___^
at least i don't looks like a weirdo

Oh, did i tell u its a family trip. So thats me and my mum..
Pst~ I know i looks much prettier *cough*
and thats my bro *sweat*
Orchard time !!!
Not much picture cause it's extremely packed with people..
I hate crowded place =((

Uhm, I know i looks uncomfortable.. Dad asked me why I just can't stand still while I'm taking picture *sweat*

Second day :
(Outfit of the day)

Not many pictures on the second day bcos its a shopping spreee day =))
And here we are, after a long hour shopping at Bugis with Xin and neglected our yummylicious breakfast and lunch with relatives

Us running around from left to right, up to down - posing beside Christmas tree *sweat*
Thanks to my "Kai Ye' who forced us to do so... as if we're stil a lil kid
and this is my cute lovey dovey grandma..

*how I wished that I could post all my Spore's loots over here*
Anyhow, this is one of the outfit i bought at Singapore, I know it looks like those traffic officer's uniform but Im loving it *so so so much*.. and dad even made a sarcastic joke about my clothes ;((
This is us again, who just came back from last minute shopping on the last day before we head back to KL *sob*

Adios Singapore !!!
Thus Net's New Year Resolutions will be putting on hold..
Cause I'm going to blog about my Singapore trip first ;)) whee~
Warning !! Tons of pictures ahead !!!
Tadaaa !!!

Check out our tired yet pain-ass picture after a long hours ride from Malacca to Singapore..
We gossiped all the way to Spore.. Proud to admit ;p

Ohh~ Xin forgot that she havent apply any make-up yet ;p

Ini panggil camwhore spirit!!! Salute 99 !!!

We don't really had enough sleep after a havoc Christmas dinner at Clarice's place..
*still waiting for the pictures*
T4 we start taking lotsa crazy and cuckoo pictures ;p to avoid falling asleep in the mall

My-Oh-My! I don't know when Xin took this picture
but imma loving it ^___^
at least i don't looks like a weirdo

Oh, did i tell u its a family trip. So thats me and my mum..
Pst~ I know i looks much prettier *cough*

Orchard time !!!
Not much picture cause it's extremely packed with people..
I hate crowded place =((

Uhm, I know i looks uncomfortable.. Dad asked me why I just can't stand still while I'm taking picture *sweat*

Second day :
(Outfit of the day)

Not many pictures on the second day bcos its a shopping spreee day =))
And here we are, after a long hour shopping at Bugis with Xin and neglected our yummylicious breakfast and lunch with relatives

Thanks to my "Kai Ye' who forced us to do so... as if we're stil a lil kid
and this is my cute lovey dovey grandma..

*how I wished that I could post all my Spore's loots over here*
Anyhow, this is one of the outfit i bought at Singapore, I know it looks like those traffic officer's uniform but Im loving it *so so so much*.. and dad even made a sarcastic joke about my clothes ;((
This is us again, who just came back from last minute shopping on the last day before we head back to KL *sob*

Adios Singapore !!!
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