Whee. I've a new blog banner..
I was kinda backside itchy when I saw Kim
ushering new year with her new blog template and layout =(
But since I'm not so talented in html and stuff,
I tot of coming up with something simple, real simple - a blog banner mayb
Sounds kewl isnt it ?
T4 i starts google around, looking for some idea
and "poooff"
I'm stoned and I was stunned with her pictures..
This girl t-tot-totally blew me away with her photography skills..
I was inspired !!!
I'd spend almost 30 minutes browsing her entire albums in flickr
*Damn, I shud have bookmark it and share it over here*
Minutes later, i tot y not I come up with something like this since im way too free at home..
T4 I start thinking how am I going to bribe my brother
Neway this is my very first banner in 2010 *PROUD*
I made this banner using the basic of Aperture instead of Photoshop *Proud x2*
But anyhow, this banner doesnt looks like me at all.. Right ?!
I looks so different.. wtf
I'm wondering is it bcos of my ponytail
or my flat nose
or ... my fake eyelashes
orrr...... any shits that u can think of ? *sob*
Fundamentally, I'm still amazed impressively with my own work *Proud x3*
I love my simply yet AWESOME artwork ;p

- The End -
I was kinda backside itchy when I saw Kim
ushering new year with her new blog template and layout =(
But since I'm not so talented in html and stuff,
I tot of coming up with something simple, real simple - a blog banner mayb
Sounds kewl isnt it ?
T4 i starts google around, looking for some idea
and "poooff"
I'm stoned and I was stunned with her pictures..
This girl t-tot-totally blew me away with her photography skills..
I was inspired !!!
I'd spend almost 30 minutes browsing her entire albums in flickr
*Damn, I shud have bookmark it and share it over here*
Minutes later, i tot y not I come up with something like this since im way too free at home..
T4 I start thinking how am I going to bribe my brother
in order to help taking a few shots of his beloved dear jie jie in completely naked (Kidding)
Did i scared YOU ? ;p
Did i scared YOU ? ;p
Neway this is my very first banner in 2010 *PROUD*
I made this banner using the basic of Aperture instead of Photoshop *Proud x2*
But anyhow, this banner doesnt looks like me at all.. Right ?!
I looks so different.. wtf
I'm wondering is it bcos of my ponytail
or my flat nose
or ... my fake eyelashes
orrr...... any shits that u can think of ? *sob*
Fundamentally, I'm still amazed impressively with my own work *Proud x3*
I love my simply yet AWESOME artwork ;p

- The End -
Despite everything u say, i still like ur new banner. Very artistic.
Gee, thanks !! =)
very cool! :)
btw, link exchange?
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